Posts Tagged planet green

Bad Gift List from planet green

Merry Christmas Everybody,

Before you go shopping, maybe you’d better read this article by Josh Peterson at planet green.

If you’re like me, you are going to agree with a lot of these suggestions. I am starting to look around my house and notice all of the CRAP that is not environmentally sound and I think we have to realize that we are causing countries like China and Korea and whomever else we are importing all of the CRAP  from to pollute their own country with the coal and resources that it takes to make all of this useless, good-for-a-moment’s-pleasure-here-for-eternity-type CRAP, and then they turn around and sell the  CRAP to us and we pollute our landfills and our homes with this wasteful, unnecessary plastic and chemical toxic junk that we want to throw away so that we don’t have to call Neecy Nash to come deal with our foolishness, but somehow we feel obligated to keep because someone we love gave it to us for Christmas, or maybe someone who really doesn’t like us, but we aren’t aware of it until we get the CRAPPY gift.

Please choose not to participate in this kind of CRAP spreading.


Lovya, Maureen

Peterson, Josh. (December 01, 2008). planet green. Retrieved December 13, 2008 from

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